In mathematics you don't understand things, you just get used to them.

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Yes, I have finally made my decision to blog in English. Call me a peacock or whatever you like. Nice ones would be appreciated and recorded for future use, on certain occasions, when you need such comments most.

Right now, my witty roommate is giving his first try on Turkey noodles with a full pack of spicy sauce. It seems the red nematode enjoyed the guy's first night, making him screech "Yeez! Fucking good, better than the couple next door fucking whole night". His dishware fell off on the ground, feeling ashamed of their master's lewd vindication.

It's a little bit off the topic though.

I have enjoyed Singapore so far. You buy cheaper groceries at a lot higher prices here. You apply for your bank card at a speed rate of literal minus nots. You take buses broadcasting stops on the outer surface of the tin can, just to impede passengers inside from alighting at the proper station. You eat rice made up of environmentalist recyclable plastic. If you want to go diet, come here, it is either you or your purse that gets a slim build.

Meanwhile, you get to know people of various ethnicities, you feel this especially make acquaintance with a Nigerian-Indian Chinese, proficient in Tamil. You peruse the giant green plant down the road, which reminds you that you are in a tropical strip. Board on the Singapore flyer and take a glance at the port, the ships dotted on the sea. If fortunately timed, you may encounter a mirage on the sea surface, which is a reflection of light on the glass window, and feel the thrilling vibe of a bakadekai cruise howling towards you.

I mean, it is the pros and cons that make up a country. I admire the country's beauty, but I also reserve my opinions on some discomfort it has given me.

The preparatory program so far is a boredom that rewinds me to senior high. Exclude chemistry from that list. It is fucking torture to memorize all those Latin organic prefixes and suffixes at the beginning. But after a few days of jumping between dictionaries and textbooks like an ape you get used to it. Besides chemistry so far contains the most unfamiliar university-level knowledge, like stereoisomer and its detailed classification, which senior high have not covered. Although it will not be bad to sleep with your ex, new dates always turn out to be more exciting.

I have joined a local table tennis group. The guys there are bloody nice. The captain is responsible and the group members are passionate and willing to follow up. I seldom experience that situation back in China, where, anecdotally speaking, people always lack some team spirit.

Anyway, Singapore is a wonderful country for college, and I do not want to waste any fucking second doing fucking pointless stuff that leaves no trace in my future. Let us make something here me brothers!






  1. 公路上大多是锃亮的轿车,几乎没有灰头土脸的私家车。好奇怎么做到的。
  2. 还有一些敞篷货车,后面坐的人全是深色人种,原因不明。
  3. 不久下起了阵雨,摩托车几乎全暂停路边,熟练地换上雨装,看来果然经常下雨。怪不得车都这么亮,天天洗天地澡堂。
  4. 很多建筑都有点粗野主义的味道,或者说像马赛公寓(Unité d'Habitation,又译居住单元)。
  5. 天气模型非常迷你,这边下着雨,那边天正晴。

我住在 Hall of Residence 3,在学校腹地,建筑嵌在山上,连栋楼之间楼层不一样。走廊里一路是拖鞋,看来新加坡人日常人字拖的传闻是真的。提前到的室友已经把房间收拾一遍了,好人,实在是好人。




至于食物,的确和国内差远了。同等价位只能吃塑料米和各种看起来就不太健康的酱料调味的菜。荤菜大多鬼斧神工,切得那叫一个粗心大意;素菜基本没有,端得是二十新一盘炒豆角。顺带一提,这里咖啡普遍偏甜,如果你想在新加坡地地道道儿地点一杯少糖咖啡,就得说【Kopi Siew Dai】。周末在 ION Orchard 吃午饭,用五十新点了两个菜,米饭白水另算。味道的确不错,但确实有点贵。我爱吃,也乐意在吃上花点小钱,恐怕在这里想改善下伙食小钱就要变大钱了。

SAO 组织了 Singapore tour,导游是在 NUS 学史的,白天当导游,晚上玩乐队。众所周知客服就是客户服务工作,接受顾客咨询,帮顾客解答疑惑,那么导游也是客服。所以是丰川祥子带我们跑了一遍新加坡! 具体去了什么地方我给忘了,反正就是 China town, Little India and Merlion 之类的。照片我也拍过,但懒得放上来了。



