Yes, I have finally made my decision to blog in English. Call me a peacock or whatever you like. Nice ones would be appreciated and recorded for future use, on certain occasions, when you need such comments most.
Right now, my witty roommate is giving his first try on Turkey noodles with a full pack of spicy sauce. It seems the red nematode enjoyed the guy's first night, making him screech "Yeez! Fucking good, better than the couple next door fucking whole night". His dishware fell off on the ground, feeling ashamed of their master's lewd vindication.
It's a little bit off the topic though.
I have enjoyed Singapore so far. You buy cheaper groceries at a lot higher prices here. You apply for your bank card at a speed rate of literal minus nots. You take buses broadcasting stops on the outer surface of the tin can, just to impede passengers inside from alighting at the proper station. You eat rice made up of environmentalist recyclable plastic. If you want to go diet, come here, it is either you or your purse that gets a slim build.
Meanwhile, you get to know people of various ethnicities, you feel this especially make acquaintance with a Nigerian-Indian Chinese, proficient in Tamil. You peruse the giant green plant down the road, which reminds you that you are in a tropical strip. Board on the Singapore flyer and take a glance at the port, the ships dotted on the sea. If fortunately timed, you may encounter a mirage on the sea surface, which is a reflection of light on the glass window, and feel the thrilling vibe of a bakadekai cruise howling towards you.
I mean, it is the pros and cons that make up a country. I admire the country's beauty, but I also reserve my opinions on some discomfort it has given me.
The preparatory program so far is a boredom that rewinds me to senior high. Exclude chemistry from that list. It is fucking torture to memorize all those Latin organic prefixes and suffixes at the beginning. But after a few days of jumping between dictionaries and textbooks like an ape you get used to it. Besides chemistry so far contains the most unfamiliar university-level knowledge, like stereoisomer and its detailed classification, which senior high have not covered. Although it will not be bad to sleep with your ex, new dates always turn out to be more exciting.
I have joined a local table tennis group. The guys there are bloody nice. The captain is responsible and the group members are passionate and willing to follow up. I seldom experience that situation back in China, where, anecdotally speaking, people always lack some team spirit.
Anyway, Singapore is a wonderful country for college, and I do not want to waste any fucking second doing fucking pointless stuff that leaves no trace in my future. Let us make something here me brothers!